CSPP Maintenance - Pharma Sales Training

Maintenance & Renewal of Certification

The Certified Specialty Pharma Professional (CSPP) program is a premier certification for seasoned pharmaceutical sales representatives aiming to specialize and advance their careers. Certified Specialist Pharma Professionals are recognized industry experts, having demonstrated their success in the complex area of specialty pharmaceuticals, biotech, and medical device sales.

Why You Should Recertify

By renewing your Certified Specialty Pharma Professional Certification, you'll continue to stand out as a professional in the field of specialty pharmaceutical sales. The CSPP designation demonstrates your mastery of professional ethics, industry codes of conduct, and your commitment to the specialty pharmaceutical sales profession.

For Many Hiring Managers, a Certification from an Accredited Program, such as the Certified Specialty Pharma Professional, is a Key Indicator of a Highly Qualified Candidate.

Recertification Requirements

The Certified Specialty Pharma Professional Certification must be renewed every 2 years.

The cost for recertification is $299

To maintain & renew your certification, you will need to retake and pass the CSPP exam.

For more information, or if you have questions about recertification, please send an email to info@acmainfo.org

Benefits of Recertification

The CSPP establishes a standard of excellence for specialty pharmaceutical sales representatives. The CSPP designation enhances your professional standing and sets you apart from your peers. Employers and the public are increasingly aware of the distinction between credible certifications and non-accredited certifications. The CSPP certification is accredited by the International Accreditors for Continuing Education and Training.

Recertification Matters

To maintain compliance with the high standards set by the ACMA, Certified Specialist Pharma Professionals must demonstrate continued competency by recertifying every two years. The CSPP designation is a testament to your advanced business skills, deep healthcare knowledge, and commitment to the professional ethics of specialty sales. Maintaining your certification makes you a preferred partner for HCPs, their staff, and your teammates.